Architectural styles

Architectural styles of the low-rise segment - villas, townhouses, apartments.


Hi-tech - an architectural style that stands out for its pragmatic and technological approach and emphasis on functionality, which leads to the dominance of straight lines in space planning.

Materials used in this architectural style: concrete, metal structures, glass and plastic.

The color scheme is determined by the selected materials: white, gray and black colors prevail, as well as shades of metals such as aluminum, steel and copper.

Stairs, elevators, ventilation systems and other functional elements are not hidden from view, but on the contrary, they are accentuated and taken outside the building.

Locations: High-tech projects are perfect for Premium and Luxury areas located on the first coastline, which emphasizes their attractiveness and luxury.


Modernism is considered the founder of the High-Tech architectural style. Because of this connection, they have similarities both aesthetically and functionally. Modernism is a departure from traditional architectural forms and elements. He strives for innovation, modernity and functionality.

Buildings in the architectural style of modernism have clean lines and simple geometric shapes. The absence of unnecessary details and decorations is one of the main features of this style.

Within the framework of modernism, new technologies and materials such as steel, reinforced concrete, glass and other innovative elements are actively used. Art Nouveau buildings have large windows, open terraces or balconies to create a sense of combining interior and exterior.

Many modernist buildings can have asymmetrical facades, which gives them a dynamic and modern look.

Locations: Well suited for Premium and Luxury segment areas, the first coastline.



Minimalism in architecture - striving for cleanliness and simplicity, avoiding unnecessary decorative elements and decorations. The main characteristics of this style are the predominance of white color and the use of strict geometric shapes both in the interior and on the facades of buildings.

Minimalism looks great in open and flat areas, not overloaded with high dense vegetation. The white color and simple shapes give the buildings lightness and freshness, as well as create a sense of spaciousness and harmony with the environment.

Minimalism in architecture emphasizes the functionality of buildings, paying attention to the main aspects and the essence of their purpose. In interiors, minimalism focuses on the use of a minimum amount of furniture and accessories, which creates an atmosphere of tranquility and privacy.

Locations: the main advantage of minimalism is its versatility, which allows it to be used both in premium class and in comfort class areas. It is able to fit seamlessly into various types of venues and surrounding spaces.



In constructivism, geometric forms, solidity and rigor of structures, expressed with conciseness, prevail.

The main feature of constructivism is the openness of structural elements of buildings. Architects of this style often demonstrate building elements such as steel beams, ceilings and supports, emphasizing their functionality and external aesthetics.

This style is actively used for office and business complexes, exhibition halls, as well as in the architecture of residential buildings. Constructivism attracts attention with its unusual geometry and interesting details, which makes it in demand among both architects and ordinary residents. In addition, the openness of structural elements in constructivist buildings creates a sense of space and freedom, which is especially valuable in modern urban development, where it is important to maintain a visual connection with the environment.

Locations: fits well into the modern urban environment.


Deconstructivism - architectural style that is usually suitable for bold and innovative projects that seek to destroy traditional ideas about architecture and create non-standard and attractive buildings.

Buildings in this style are characterized by complex geometry, the destruction of standard forms and the combination of various elements in such a way as to create unique and memorable shapes. Such buildings usually carry a semantic load, embodying some concepts, ideas or values.

Locations: Deconstructivism is most often used in the urban environment, mainly embodied in cultural centers, modern museums, exhibition spaces.



The loft architectural style is notable for its ability to reconstruct old industrial structures and turn them into residential and recreational spaces, while openly preserving the basic elements of the structures.

The loft style is distinguished by the use of traditional industrial materials such as brick, concrete, metal and large frame glazing, which creates an industrial aesthetic.

Free and spacious layouts are another feature of this style. Instead of numerous walls and partitions, it offers open and combined large spaces, which contributes to the formation of a unified and harmonious common space.

The loft fits well into the urban environment, where old industrial buildings often need a new application. It has become especially popular in many cities, where abandoned factories, warehouses and factories are being transformed into modern and stylish residential complexes or commercial spaces.

Locations: the style fits perfectly into the urban environment: residential and business parts of the city.



The main feature of the contemporary style is the ability to use any materials and elements, combining them in the right ratio. There are no rigid limits and prohibitions, which allows architects to experiment with different materials and shapes.

Contemporary is perfectly combined with any location and adapts to various environmental conditions. It is suitable for modern urban developers, as well as for suburban areas or natural landscapes.

Contemporary style is characterized by openness to new ideas and trends. Architects who adhere to this style strive to create unique and innovative projects that reflect modern needs and trends in architecture. This style emphasizes the individuality and uniqueness of each project, which makes it popular among architects and attractive to a variety of customers.

Locations: suitable for absolutely any location.

Organic (Eco-tech)

Organic (Eco-tech)

Organic (Eco-tech) it involves close interaction with the natural environment, striving to create a harmonious coexistence with flora and fauna. In this style, architecture becomes an integral part of nature, integrating with the environment.

The basic principle of organic style is respect for the surrounding nature and the desire to preserve its original beauty. Buildings in this style are combined with natural elements, complementing them and emphasizing their natural beauty.

Organic buildings are distinguished by the use of environmentally friendly and sustainable materials. Architects of this style are looking for a balance between technology and nature, striving to create environmentally responsible buildings that will harmoniously coexist with the surrounding nature.

Locations: Suitable for locations with a natural environment. Such places are usually characterized by an abundance of tall vegetation, complex terrain and the presence of water elements such as rivers, streams and waterfalls. Buildings created in an organic style strive to respect nature, fitting into the surrounding landscape, as well as creating unity with natural beauty.

Bionic (Biotech)

Bionic (Biotech)

Bionic (Biotech) closely echoes the description of the eco-tech style, but at the same time has its own unique features. A distinctive feature of this style is biometric forms that repeat natural natural structures.

Unlike strict geometric forms, the bionic style focuses on more organic, soft and smooth lines that bring architecture closer to the forms characteristic of living organisms and natural elements. Buildings in this style tend to merge with nature, giving the impression that they have grown out of the surrounding landscape.

Locations: Bionic style easily fits into any natural location. It is able to coexist harmoniously with various types of natural environments, such as mountains, forests, lakes, and seashores. This style seeks to emphasize the beauty of the surrounding nature, instead of standing out from it.



Bauhaus is an architectural style characterized by ergonomics, wide functionality and rational use of space. It combines the principles of functionalism and minimalism, which makes it unique and relevant for modern architecture.

The leading approaches of the Bauhaus style include minimalism in patterns and increased functionality. The interiors and exteriors are dominated by simple shapes, which allows you to create an effective use of space.

The Bauhaus is characterized by asymmetrical geometric shapes with repeating lines. This creates unique and dynamic compositions that give the buildings individuality and expressiveness.

Locations: the functionality and simplicity of the Bauhaus style are combined with attractiveness and comfort in a variety of climatic conditions. Bauhaus is suitable for premium and comfort building segments. In the premium class, it gives the buildings elegance and modernity, and in the comfort class it provides convenience and functionality.


The Mediterranean style is a mixture of rational architectural traditions of the West and emotional elements of the East.
This style combines comfort and practicality.

The tiled roof, which gives the buildings a traditional and cozy look, is one of the main features of this style. Light plastered walls create bright and spacious interiors, and the presence of arched openings gives the buildings grace and sophistication. Open spacious terraces, patios, ponds and fountains are also characteristic elements of the Mediterranean style. They give buildings a unique look and create a favorable atmosphere for recreation and communication in the fresh air.

Locations: The Mediterranean style is especially attractive for the coastline, where its elements blend seamlessly with the surrounding landscape of the sea and sandy beaches. Also, this style fits perfectly into hilly and mountainous landscapes with an abundance of forest growth, where its elements emphasize the natural beauty of the surrounding nature.


The Australian style is always made in bright colors that create a sense of spaciousness and freshness, this style pleases with bright color accents that add life and individuality to the space in the form of accessories and furniture.

The basic principle of the Australian style is to create a subdued and cozy interior that promotes a comfortable life and reflects the welcoming nature of Australian culture.

Attention is paid to the use of natural materials such as wood, stone and textiles, which creates a sense of harmony with nature.

The light shades of the walls and ceiling are the basis of the Australian style. White, beige, pastel and neutral colors create an atmosphere of light and space, especially in sunny Australian regions.

One of the key aspects of the Australian style is the maximum use of natural light. Large windows, open layouts and a minimum of partitions contribute to the penetration of sunlight into the room, which creates a bright and joyful space.

Locations: Suitable for all locations and for various types of houses and premises, adding lightness and ease to the surrounding environment.



The African style is a wonderful combination of natural beauty and traditional materials, which makes it popular and relevant for those who appreciate uniqueness and authenticity in their homes.

Traditional African houses were built from affordable materials such as clay, wood, straw and stone. The modern African style combines traditional materials with plaster, creating the effect of adobe walls. This gives the buildings an authentic and unique look, emphasizing their connection with African culture and nature.

Locations: The African style is especially attractive for locations on the coastline, where its organic forms and natural materials blend harmoniously with the surrounding seascape. Also, this style fits perfectly into open natural spaces with sparse vegetation, where its elements emphasize the simplicity and beauty of the surrounding nature.

Tropical (bungalow)

Tropical (bungalow)
Tropical style is an amazing fusion between harsh mountain nature and lush tropical greenery. The architects brought to life one-story small houses, weaving them into the surrounding landscape so that they harmoniously blend with nature.

Despite the differences in interpretation, the tropical architectural style always retains its individuality and connection with the surrounding nature. The absence of glazed windows or the use of blank walls may be characteristic of some regions where the climate dictates its own rules, and local residents strive to create the most comfortable and energy-efficient homes.

Locations: Depending on the specific tropical location, the style can be expressed in different variations. For example, on the coastline in the areas of comfort and economy segments, a characteristic feature may be open panoramic views, allowing you to fully feel the proximity of the ocean and enjoy the cool sea breezes. While in a deep rainforest, it may be preferable to create more secluded and secluded architectural forms to enjoy the sounds and atmosphere of this mystical place.

Tropical Chalet

Tropical Chalet

A tropical chalet is an interior style that is inspired by tropical natural landscapes, especially those on the coasts of tropical islands or in southern regions.

The style is a combination of natural materials, light shades, beach elements and cozy details.

It is characterized by the presence of adobe walls and wood arrays, which add additional charm and attractiveness to it.

This style has become a popular choice for locations in mountainous landscapes, where it harmoniously combines with the surrounding nature. It also fits perfectly into tropical forests, creating a cozy haven among green plants and exotic plants. Adobe walls and solid wood add a sense of warmth and naturalness to the interior. Clay as a material has good thermal insulation, and wood gives a feeling of comfort and naturalness, emphasizing the natural character of the style.

This style has become a popular choice for locations in mountainous landscapes, where it harmoniously combines with the surrounding nature. It also fits perfectly into tropical forests, creating a cozy haven among green plants and exotic plants.

Adobe walls and solid wood add a sense of warmth and naturalness to the interior. Clay as a material has good thermal insulation, and wood gives a feeling of comfort and naturalness, emphasizing the natural character of the style.

The main characteristics of a tropical chalet:

Natural materials: Natural materials such as wood, rattan, bamboo, vine, stone and shells are used. Wood elements predominate in furniture and decoration.

Light shades: The main colors of the style are light, neutral tones, such as white, sand, beige and light blue. They help to create a light and airy atmosphere.

Beach motifs: Elements related to the beach theme are often used in the interior, for example, knots, steering wheels, seashells, glass bottles with sand, starfish and photographs of palm trees and the ocean.

Textiles: Soft textile elements such as curtains, pillows and blankets are often made of natural materials such as linen, cotton or jute.

Plants: Plants play an important role in this style. In most cases, green plants with bright leaves, such as palm trees, banana trees and ferns, are used to add freshness and a lively accent to the interior.

Open spaces: The design of the chalet is often focused on creating a connection with nature. Outdoor areas, verandas or large windows allow residents to enjoy the surrounding landscapes and get maximum light and fresh air.

Cultural elements: In the interior, you can also find elements characteristic of the traditional art and culture of the region, from which the inspiration for the style is drawn.

Natural lighting: Lighting plays an important role in a tropical chalet. The maximum use of natural light emphasizes the bright shades of the interior and creates a sense of spaciousness and openness.

The tropical chalet creates an atmosphere of relaxation, tranquility and freshness. This style is suitable for those who dream of getting closer to nature, a cozy refuge on the ocean or in the depths of a tropical forest.

A tropical chalet is an ideal choice for those who seek to create an atmosphere of tranquility and privacy surrounded by beautiful mountains or picturesque rainforests. This style allows you to enjoy the beauty of nature right from a comfortable and cozy home.


A-frame is a unique style, striking with its unusual and simple design. It is a triangular house, resembling a hut or tent in shape. The main feature of this style is the roof, which serves as the exterior walls of the house, forming corners in the shape of the letter "A".

The A-frame buildings fit perfectly into the surrounding rainforest. The interior space of A-frames is usually an open layout, which contributes to a sense of spaciousness and freedom. Large windows, which are often present on the front and back walls, allow you to enjoy the beauty of the rainforest right from the inside of the house and interact with the surrounding nature.

Locations: suitable for creating cozy resort houses in tropical forests, where guests can enjoy tranquility and privacy, immersing themselves in the atmosphere of nature and relaxing from the hustle and bustle of the city. This style of architecture inspires interaction with the outside world and pays special attention to the preservation of the surrounding nature, making it an ideal choice for a sustainable and harmonious living in a tropical environment.

Barn (Scandinavian)

Barn (Scandinavian)

Scandinavian (Barn) is a unique architectural style that combines features of Scandinavian minimalism with elements of rural architecture.

A characteristic feature of the Scandinavian style is the gable roof, which smoothly flows into the walls, creating a single and harmonious shape. This provides an aesthetic appearance and at the same time protects the house from precipitation and wind, which makes it ideal for urban low-rise environments and mountain landscapes.

The interior usually consists of bright, spacious rooms, a minimum of decor. The main focus is on functionality and convenience.

Locations: The bar is perfectly combined with the coastline. Its clean lines and natural materials allow the house to blend seamlessly into the natural landscape and create an atmosphere of comfort and harmony with the environment.

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