Development company Bali

Development company in Bali - a full cycle of work: from financial planning, concept creation, architectural design, land selection to construction, packaging, commissioning and sales.
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Development company Bali

The development company carries out the whole range of works from the development of the concept of the project, determining the target audience, financial planning of the volume and terms of investment, return of funds and investments, ending with the complete packaging of presentation materials and sales organization. All works are carried out in accordance with Indonesian legislation and involving all necessary departments - a management company, an architectural bureau, a land selection department, a construction company and specialized sales departments.

The work of the development company includes:

  1. Analysis of the real estate market and competitors.
  2. Creation of the concept of the project.

3. Design with the help of architects and engineers to develop a project for the construction of a property, including layout, design, engineering systems and budget estimates.

4. Obtaining necessary building permits such as land use permits, building permits, permits to change land boundaries, etc.

5. Management of the construction process, control over the timing and quality of work, as well as ensuring safety at the construction site.

6. Marketing and sales: during the construction, the development company performs marketing activities, including the sale of properties by sale, and thus provides income to investors.

7. Property management: after the sale of the properties, the development company can take over the management of the property, including the maintenance and repair of the property, and provide rental income.

Business process of a development company:
Determining the location with the help of the management company
Land selection
Development of the project concept and financial planning
Architectural plan development

Purchase of land and approval of construction.
  • Based on the previous stages of work, a specific piece of land is selected, the purchase and execution of all necessary permits.
Land preparation and construction work
  • Geodesy
  • Land preparation
  • Structural construction.
  • Preparing the local area
  • Construction of the entrance group and auxiliary premises
  • Pool construction
  • Landscaping
  • Construction of parking lots
Sale of real estate objects at the stage of off-plan and finished real estate objects.
Sale of the first three properties at the off-plan stage
Return of investments and profits to the investor, the remaining amount is reinvested in the second stage of construction.
Sale of all properties
Commissioning of the facility
  • Handover of keys to property owners
  • Transfer of management of the object to the management company.
Providing dividend income
  • Ensuring dividend income with the help of a management company that ensures the occupancy of the property
Benefits of a development company
Why is it profitable to work with us?
Full range of services

Our development company undertakes a full range of services - project concept development, legal registration, selection and purchase of a land plot, construction, architectural planning, design, commissioning, sales and management of a property.
Planning and dividend income

We plan each stage of work in detail and work strictly in accordance with the plan, carefully calculating our capacities. This allows you to complete the entire project on time and receive dividends in a timely manner. All calculations take into account official taxes in Indonesia.
Legal clarity and financial accuracy

All development projects are legally registered with a company jointly with the investor, while the land plot is legally owned by the investor, which makes it possible to hedge any risks on the part of the development company. The investor's income also goes to the account of a legal entity created jointly with the investor.
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